Wardrobe Staples: Creating a Coat
They say that there are around 25 essential items that can be regarded as wardrobe staples. I'm missing some of these in my own wardrobe, so this year I'd like to investigate a few basic, classic sewing patterns that can fill some of the gaps.
In terms of a good winter coat, there are a couple that I'm considering. Being quite short (5'3" - 1.6m), I favour a single breasted coat without too much detailing, and both the Lisette / Butterick 6385 and the Itch-to-Stitch Lagan Coat have caught my eye.
The Gladys Coat from VikiSews is another lovely option, as it has a collar that closely resembles that of the Gucci coat pictured below.

While the "essentials" list is pretty universal, one would naturally need to select appropriate styles and fabrics to suit one's individual lifestyle and the climate in which one lives.
For reference, this is the list I'll be working from for the foreseeable future:

So what are your go-to patterns for these staples? And which patterns are currently inspiring you? Please feel free to send any comments or suggestions via the contact form - I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time,