Sew Spring - Part One
Tell me, is it too soon to start a preliminary assessment of the gaps in my (northern hemisphere) spring wardrobe? I seem to be constantly playing catchup on this front, so I thought I'd try to get ahead of the curve for a change.
My objective always is to maintain a minimal wardrobe, focusing on versatile items that serve multiple purposes so that I can (hopefully) be prepared for any sartorial requirement.
For spring, a couple of flattering dresses and a light jacket or coat are indispensable. Now I've never been much of a trench coat girl, but a few years of living in London has changed my perspective on this a little.

I recently made up the re-released wrap dress pattern from Vogue by DvF. While I was browsing the Diane von Furstenburg RTW site for fabric inspiration, and also to see what her new collection looked like, the Livia dress caught my eye. It looks like a really elegant and comfortable dress that will work for several springs and summers to come. It also has a cinched waist, which makes it endlessly flattering.
The Livia reminded me of my Sinclair Nyoka dress pattern, which I've made up several times before. The flattering crossover front looks like it may be complicated to sew, but it really isn't, especially if you follow Karina Trinidad's video here.

I'm still trying to decide whether to buy or make a trench coat. I favour single breasted jackets and coats, as I'm relatively short, so perhaps the VikiSews Gladys could work for me... plus, I already have the pattern.

You can buy the Hobbs Finley Trench Coat on sale at John Lewis UK, the VikiSews Gladys pdf pattern here, and the Vogue sewing pattern here
So, what are your favourite spring wardrobe essentials? And how about your favourite spring sewing patterns? Do let me know.
Until next time,